
Physiognomy in Arabic ( AL Feraasa ) is the study of facial features and their supposed relationship to a person’s character or personality.

Discover the secrets of your personality or any person you want to know

We provide you with unique information that can help you find out more about yourself or anyone you want to know.

Get to know about your partner

Before taking any serious step, you should get to know your partner deeply, whether he is suitable or not according to his/her personal characteristics.

How does it work?

Chose the service and upload Images
Select the suitable offer for you through the services, then upload the photos as explained in the service details
Complete Payment
Complete the payment process using your card
Get your results
After finishing the reading, the report is completed, and a notification is sent by email, and it can be accessed through your dashboard


About Us

Physiognomy ( AL Feraasa ) in Arabic is the ability to read and interpret faces and actions to find out the personality traits or emotional state of a person. There are people who have a special talent for reading the faces of others and analyzing their behaviors to learn about their intentions, personalities, and many characteristics that even they themselves do not know about themselves. In ancient civilizations, physiognomy played an important role in some cultures, and was considered a valuable skill in evaluating people and arriving at decisions based on these assessments and readings. It is noteworthy that the Prophet Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace, was described as having insight, and in the noble hadith it is said: “Beware of the vision of a believer, for he sees with the light of God.”

About Us